Today, people talk a lot about energizing, vitalizing, revitalizing, refining and structuring water. The mostly different descriptions and views are confusing. Basically one can say that the different technologies pursue the same goal: To bring water into an energetically and structurally better state.
1. magnetism
A widespread method of energizing water is water treatment by means of magnetism. The water passes through a magnetic force field, whereby a rectification of the water molecules is achieved. Unfortunately, this proven treatment of water is very limited in time, as the original order is restored according to the law relatively quickly. Since ferromagnetism, in the strength usually used, does not occur in nature, water treated in this way is not natural for the metabolism. Water treated with magnets is therefore not optimally suited for consumption, as the body will lock itself against this water after a certain time. This was also confirmed by the Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Herrischried in its issue Wasserzeichen 37, 2013.
2. current
A method of structuring water used more in the field of alternative lime treatment is the treatment by means of current fields. Here, a coil is usually placed around the water pipe. According to the unipolar induction in physics, this has an effect, but a magnetic field is created at right angles to it. Thus, in addition to disturbing current fields, magnetic fields are also stored in the water, which are an obstacle to cell communication.
3. turbulence
Another possibility to energize water is the mechanical turbulence. Nature serves as the best example here. With special devices, for example according to Schauberger and Hacheney, vortex movements are created in the water. Besides deleting harmful information, this leads to an energetic quality improvement and restructuring of the water molecules. The natural turbulence is therefore an essential part of a highly effective water energizing technique.
4. transmission of information
Another very effective method of improving the energetic programming of water is the transmission of vibrations. Special oscillation fields, which - depending on the system - are stored in metal, quartz flour, carrier fluids or precious stones, achieve a significant improvement in the energetic quality of the water.
5. resonance
Water can also be brought into resonance via certain proportions, such as special angles and the golden section. Water that flows through special devices manufactured according to nature-conforming proportions swings itself lawfully into an energetically higher state. As an example, one can draw the comparison from acoustics that if you play a note on a guitar, the corresponding side will also begin to vibrate.
Water has created an angle of 104.7° in its molecular structure. If you let water flow through a device that has exactly this angle, a resonance is created physically, to which the water reacts by a higher vibration.
Energization vs. Vitalization
To energize water means, strictly speaking, to increase the energy in water. This can be achieved by different methods, some of which are mentioned in the upper part. But to vitalize water (lat.: vitalis: viable) is much more than just increasing the energy. It is about building life supporting structures, such as improved nutrient transport, bioavailability, intracellular communication, and much more. As can be seen in the example of hyper-vortex and magnetic treatment, energy and vitality can also take opposite paths.
Water vitalization therefore means the holistic combination of turbulence, information transfer, geometry and material science, without the use of magnets and electricity. We therefore use the word vitalization exclusively for systems such as UMH technology, which combines all aspects on a holistic level.
What must be the overall goal of water vitalization?
Since 2/3 of our body water is in the intracellular space, a vitalization must be able to structure the water in such a way that it can enter the cell interior. It is therefore a question of the bioavailability of water. For this purpose it must be able to cross the aquaporins, which are highly selective water channels in the cell membrane.
To get through these "doors" there are figuratively speaking 3 possibilities.
One: You're so small you can fit through the crack of the door.
This view is held by advocates of hyper-vortex as generated by levitation devices. The water is swirled so much that each molecule breaks away from the other, creating minimally small water molecules that slip through the cell membrane. However, the problem is that any information content in the water is also lost.
2. You break down the doo
In this way, water magnetized with magnets enters the cell. But what would we do in this case if someone kept knocking down the door? We would reinforce the door. This is exactly the problem with this method and after a certain time the water can no longer get into the cell. The effect, as the Institute of Fluid Dynamics has aptly described it, is a strong initial effect that then drops off abruptly.
3. you have the matching key for the lock with you.
This key corresponds to information clusters stored in the water, which can dock onto the cell and the channels then open willingly. Interesting here are the investigations of Planet Diagnostics from Switzerland, which showed that natural spring waters always have a basic frequency of 22 Hz. The bioresonance research by Paul Schmidt shows that the excitation frequency of our cell membrane is 22.5 Hz. This frequency can therefore be regarded as the key frequency for our cell membrane. However, the phase sign must be taken into account.
What to look for when buying?
In the case of water energizers, therefore, care should be taken above all to ensure that suitable information structures are created that provide the cell with the right information for cell control and water absorption. To achieve this, the water must be both swirled and informed. The whirling movement is the basic condition for the safe deletion of negative frequencies and the storage of new frequency patterns. On the one hand, it is important to ensure that the contact surface of the water with the energy fields is as large as possible and that the swirling occurs simultaneously with the information transfer. This is not the case with many systems, as these are either only given to a water pipe or tap from the outside or the turbulence is missing completely. An energetically high-quality and stable energy transfer cannot be achieved in this way, as the information is only indirectly transferred. The materials used also play a decisive role in the effect. From an energetic point of view, stainless steel is not suitable as a material for energizing water. Gold, brass and silver are the optimal materials for this. These should be manufactured according to the principle of resonance with certain proportions and angles so that a stable oscillation field can be created.
Methods of measuring the effectiveness of water vitalization
Nowadays, the water crystal images according to M. Emoto are widely used as single examination methods to convince of the effectiveness of a water treatment device. However, these snapshots say very little about the bioavailability of the water. They are completely inadequate for the assessment of water quality, especially from a biological point of view.
UV-treated water
UMH-vitalized water
As you can see on the two pictures, the water has changed in its crystallization to a hexagonal structure, but this method cannot be used to determine whether the water is now able to optimally hydrate the cell, transport nutrients better, remove toxins better, whether the pH value is correct, how the flow properties are and much more.
For the assessment of whether a vitalization is optimal from a holistic biological point of view, different parameters must therefore be used for quality assessment, similar to a blood count. For this purpose, research has developed special measuring methods with high informative value, such as the biophoton measurement according to Dr. Popp, the skin resistance measurements according to Dr. Voll, the Color Plate method, kinesiology, Oberon diagnostics, radiesthesia, the BIA measurement with the Biocorpus RX 4000 recognized by orthodox medicine, and microscopy. UMH technology has been tested with every measurement method known to us since 1999 and has been confirmed to be extremely effective. Many years of metabolic physiological tests have also shown that it is possible to produce high-quality water with excellent medical effectiveness. This goal can generally only be achieved if the treatment technology is in harmony with the energetic and physiological laws of body, soul and spirit.
Since the only sustainable source of new life energy is nature, it should serve as a model for the quality of our water. Natural, fresh mountain spring water is best suited for us. It has the optimal structural, functional and energetic character for our body, as determined by nature. Water must be brought back to this quality by means of treatment and a device for energizing water should be judged according to how natural this type of treatment is. Water has the highest hierarchical importance after light. We should therefore respect and protect it!
About the author:
Thomas Hartwig is a certified medical nutritionist and founder of the company Leogant. For many years he has been intensively involved with the element of water. He is a valued keynote speaker and guest on podcasts, where he shares his knowledge and experience. In his work he combines findings from natural science and medicine with philosophical approaches to contribute to a holistic water awareness.