

Studies on the Zenton filter cartridge

Retention of pesticides (SGS Switzerland, 2022)

Examined parameters:

Dimethoate: retention > 99.8 %
Bentazone: retention > 99.3 %
Carbofuran: Retention > 94.7 %

Rückhaltung von Pestiziden (Getestet im Schweizer Labor, 2022)

Examined parameters:

Trifluoroacetate (TFA): Retention 100 % (Not detectable)
Perfluoropropanoic acid: Retention > 92.6 %
Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (TFMSA): Retention 96.5 %
Perfluoroethanesulfonic acid: Retention > 97.8 %
Perfluoropropanesulfonic acid: Retention > 97.7 %

Retention of medicines (SGS Switzerland, 2022)

Examined parameters:

Antibiotics: Retention > 99.8 %

Retention of heavy metals, bacteria, choroform, chlorine (SGS Switzerland, 2022)

Examined parameters:

Bacteria: Retention > 99.99 %
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Enterococcus faecalis

Heavy metals:
Lead (Pb): Retention > 99.79 %
Mercury (Hg): Retention > 97.89 %
Cadmium (Cd): Retention > 99.39 %

Hydrocarbons (organic compounds): Retention > 96.75 %

Chlorine: Retention > 99.51 %

MOCA food approval for the food service industry (SIALAB, 2021)

The MOCA (material or object in contact with food) and FCM (Food Contact Materials) certifications are essential approvals for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Our Zenton filter cartridge may therefore be used in the catering industry.

Virus safety (Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center, 2023)

Examined parameters:

SARS-CoV-2: virus safety test passed

Particle retention (FSDA, 2022)

Examined parameters:

Particle retention: 0.5µm

FDA food approval for plastics (UTL, 2022)

The FDA approval process is known worldwide for its rigor and detail. FDA approval is often regarded as the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry.


Investigations into the GFP Premium filter cartridge

Retention of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites (University of Bielefeld, 2002)

Examined parameters:

Viruses: retention > 99.9
Phage U3

Bacteria: Retention > 99.9 %
Staphylococcus aureus
Stapylococcus haemolyticus
Enterococcus faecalis
Enterobacter cloacae
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacillus subtilis

Fungi (yeasts): Retention > 99.9 %
Candida albicans
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (rubra)
Saccharomyces cerevisae

Parasites: Retention > 99.9 %
Giardia lamblia (cysts)
Entamoeba coli (cysts)
Cryptosporidium parvum (oocysts)
Hymenolepis nana (eggs)
Schistosoma mansoni (eggs)
Schistosoma mansoni (miracidia)
Schistosoma mansoni (cercariae)
Ascaris suum (eggs)

Hygienic-microbiological examination (University of Bielefeld, 1999)

Examined parameters:

Bacteria: Retention ≥ 99.999 %
Escherichia coli
Enterococcus faecalis

Retention of PAHs (Preussag Rohrsanierung GmbH, 1999)

Examined parameters:

PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons): Retention ≥ 99%

Reduction of lead (TÜV Umwelt, 2000)

Examined parameters:

Lead: retention ≥ 90%

Adsorption performance of hydrocarbons and chlorine (Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences, 2001)

Examined parameters:

chlorine (free)

The retention rate was ≥ 99 %

Adsorption performance of hydrocarbons & pesticides (Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences, 1997)

Examined parameters:


The retention rate was ≥ 99 %

Reduction of copper (TÜV Umwelt, 1999)

Examined parameters:

Copper: retention > 90 %

Removal of pharmaceutical residues, steroids hormones, polar pesticides (TU Berlin, 2000)

Examined parameters:

Drug residues: retention > 99.5 %
Clofibric acid
Ibuprofen Diclofenac

Polar pesticides: retention > 99.5 %

Steroid hormones: Retention > 99.5 %

Examination on food law (LGA, 2002)

Examination on safety according to German food law.

Clearance certificate DIN EN 12903, KTW (TÜV Nord, 2015)

Chemical, sensory and microbiological confirmation of harmlessness for drinking water.


Studies on vitalisation

Bioelectrical impedance analysis

The BIA measurement with the Biacorpus RX 4000 shows an improved intracellular water absorption of the vitalised water.

COLORPLATE ® - Test by Dr. Knapp with ionization radiation images

The COLORPLATE® test from Dr. Knapp uses ionization radiation images to make the energetic properties and quality of water visible. Subtle differences in the structure and vibration of water samples are visualized, allowing conclusions to be drawn about their purity, vitality and energetic "liveliness". This method is often used to analyse the effects of filtration systems, vitalization processes or natural influences such as minerals on the water. The color and structural differences in the images show how water reacts to external influences and what "energetic signature" it has. In summary, the test offers an innovative visual representation of the qualitative nature of water beyond purely chemical parameters.

Bioresonance measurement according to Dr. Voll

The bioresonance measurement shows a positive reaction of the organism to vitalised water compared to distilled water / osmosis water.

Investigation of the desludging of UMH Heat (CRITT)

The study shows the reduction of the following parameters over 49 days in a closed circuit. It was found that besides the significant particle reduction, the conductivity and pH value remained stable.

Examined parameters:

Sludgy particles
pH value

Retention was over 88 %

Examination with the prognosis system (Dr. Doepp)

By measuring the skin resistance on the meridians, conclusions can be drawn about the energy state of the meridians and thus of the organs. In this examination the improved suitability of vitalised water compared to tap water could be shown.

Biophoton measurement (Dr. Popp)

The measurements are based on the idea put forward by Erwin Schrödinger that food quality is not based on mere ingredient composition or caloric properties, but on the food's ability to organize the consumer.

This "negentropic" function of food is related to its light storage capacity. Consequently, if food is left in its natural state, its quality can be seen.

Biophotonics exploits this relationship by measuring "delayed luminescence", the afterglow of the food after defined exposure. In this experiment, two cucumber samples grown with different water were compared over 8 weeks.

Electroluminescence swimming pool water (Dr. Popp)

Electroluminescence is the measurement of the recombination glow of an electric current generated by applying a voltage. When ions combine with electrons, an excitation state of the recombination product is initially produced.

During the transition to the ground state, a photon is emitted in each case, which can be measured with highly sensitive light detectors (photomultipliers). The recombination light is sensitive to all physical properties of the liquid. This is the reason why this sensitive method can be used to detect the slightest quality differences in liquids in a highly sensitive and at the same time reliable manner.

Electroluminescence Comparison Spring Water, Tap Water, Energized Water (Dr. Popp)

Electroluminescence is the measurement of the recombination glow of an electric current generated by applying a voltage. When ions combine with electrons, an excitation state of the recombination product is initially produced.

During the transition to the ground state, a photon is emitted in each case, which can be measured with highly sensitive light detectors (photomultipliers). The recombination light is sensitive to all physical properties of the liquid. This is the reason why this sensitive method can be used to detect the slightest quality differences in liquids in a highly sensitive and at the same time reliable manner.

Quantum fractal images (Dr. Töth, DI Pfaffenbichler)

With the imaging method of quantum fractal images, information and energetic, crystalline structure matrices of liquids can be recorded photographically. The best known method is the photography of ice crystals according to the Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto. Here, however, many influencing factors such as air pressure, temperature, condensation surface or time of photography can affect the result. With this method one photographs the information structures directly from the liquid medium water. These pictures show very impressively the strong effect of the UMH energization on the water.

Measurement of surface tension (Dr. Engler)

These measurements show a reduction in surface tension in the water. This is important both in technical terms (wetting ability, cleaning power, better solubility) and in physiological terms. A reduced surface tension indicates a structuring or energizing of water.


Note on filter changes in accordance with DIN EN 806
We would like to point out that a filter change every six months is a prerequisite for the functionality and hygiene of the system. If the filter is not changed or is not changed properly, LEOGANT cannot guarantee the functionality of the water treatment system. The operator is liable for any contamination in accordance with DIN EN 806/ DIN EN 1717.


Note on the legal handling and use of our vitalizations
For legal reasons, LEOGANT is generally not permitted to make any promises of healing for any of the vitalizations it offers. The devices cannot be a substitute for medical care and can at best have a supportive effect. The studies listed and the information on the effects are not currently recognized by all conventional physicians and scientists. However, they are becoming increasingly important in the field of alternative medicine. The use of the products is not intended to replace treatment by a doctor or alternative practitioner for health complaints.