Sarah Freutel has been a passionate football player since she was 12 years old. Since 2005, she has been playing as a midfielder for her home club SGS Essen, in the first Bundesliga. The vegan Bundesliga player has become known in recent years for her healthy lifestyle, among other things. With yoga and a balanced vegan diet she keeps herself in balance. In 2017 we got to know and appreciate Sarah personally. Since then, LEOGANT spring water has been one of her energy suppliers and has become an important component of her diet. For her performance and optimal hydration she even took our mobile table-top filter AVAIO to almost every game. Since the influence of nutrition and also water quality on one's own performance and regeneration has not been very much considered in football until now, Sarah with her conscious attitude is definitely one of the pioneers. In May 2019 Sarah ended her Bundesliga career with 2 goals and a 3-0 victory over Mönchengladbach. We are excited to see which new paths Sarah will take after her football career and look forward to continue to be a part of your life.

PeopleThomas Hartwig