Sebastian Baier is a reflection of Berlin life and its transformative power. Former artist, DJ, operator of large cultural venues - and friend of Thomas Hartwig for many years. Today Sebastian is co-operator of, coach and co-founder of VERTICAL Development. His own journey of transformation and his understanding of modern urban living is reflected in the training program that serial entrepreneurs Achim Feige and Thomas Björkmann launched together with him. The goal is to train the next generation of leaders who want to take the leap into a world under new economic and social auspices. Using training methods based on the latest findings in neuroscience as well as ancient wisdom, they create awareness so that there is capacity for the complexity of our world and space for creativity and self-determination. Peak Performers sleep better and work with more focus. Up to 10 hours more free time per week when working in flow. Leogant and Vertical are united by the mission to help people be more in flow and thus drive their own and society's development. From the inside to the outside. In harmony with nature.