Water .
"We focus on the biological quality of water."
Clean water is far from being healthy water. Just because water is clean does not mean that it can optimally fulfil its complex tasks in human metabolism. Unfortunately, it is precisely our most important food ingredient that is reduced to its chemical level. This would be like judging a doctor by the whiteness and cleanliness of his coat.
Water treatment from a bio-physical perspective
The current standard assessment of water quality is limited to the analysis of a part of the substances dissolved in water, especially when assessing drinking and mineral water. The complex relationship between the molecular structure of water and its physical properties is not taken into account by the general public, although research of the molecular structure has been carried out all over the world for decades, especially in water treatment and water regeneration.
A water is only ripe to be drunk when it comes from a natural spring on its own. By prematurely stopping the ripening process and regeneration in nature by pumping the water unnaturally and much too early to the surface, we now drink almost exclusively unripe water.
"When water flows in the way it is supposed to, it moves energetically in spirals and vortexes and maintains its hexagonal structure.
Today, water is forced under high pressure through pipelines, most of which are several kilometres long. Due to the lack of natural flow possibilities and especially turbulence, the water is deprived of its natural mobility. This unnatural treatment causes the normally loose and mobile water clusters to condense into large immobile cluster heaps. In this process the original energetic quality of the water is almost completely lost and our cells are no longer optimally supplied with water. Water with this structure is no longer suitable to optimally fulfil its function for transport and as a solvent in the human organism.
So clean water is by no means healthy water. What we drink now is mostly water without sufficient biological activity. Viktor Schauberger wrote about this: "Modern man of culture today drinks mostly bad water, and has therefore often weaned himself off drinking water, causing serious damage to his body.
Schauberger went on to say that only good, highly energized water, like natural mountain spring water, fulfils the decisive tasks in the body. It prevents dehydration, drains acids and activates the body's enzyme systems. These are important for the vitality and capacity of nutrient processing.
"Graphite and diamond. Chemically identical and yet so different. It's the structure that makes it."
The following example from nature illustrates very well the possibilities of a purely physical water treatment. Graphite as well as diamond both consist exclusively of carbon (C) and are therefore chemically identical. The different structures of the crystal lattices alone lead to completely different properties.
Isn't it surprising that we are willing to spend considerably more money on the same chemical element? Men could also give their financeés a pencil and say it is the same as a diamond - at least chemically speaking.
If we transfer this picture to water (H2O), then here too not only the chemical composition, but especially the structure, the degree of order of the water molecules is more important in respect of the quality of water.
The structure is of overriding importance in all areas. Especially in the case of nutrients, bioavailability is linked to the special geometry of the molecules. Just as a diamond has electromagnetically different properties to graphite due to its structure, energized water is much easier for the body to break down and it can carry out bioelectric and biochemical processes much better.
Due to its ordered structure, a crystal is an optimal conductor for electrical impulses. Since every impulse in our body is converted into an electrical signal and must be conducted through both intra- and extracellular water, the crystallinity of the body water is of crucial importance for our cell communication and thus our entire perception.
From the work of Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, we know that our cells transmit DNA codes by emitting ultraviolet laser beams. This mechanism of light transmission is caused by structured water molecules that act as light conductors.
The scientist, Dr. George Lakhovsky, searched at the beginning of the century for the causes of the spread of cancer. Together with a commission of international cancer specialists, he visited places where not a single cancer patient was registered. They found out that in all villages where no cancerous diseases were present, water pipes were non-existant. The water supply was secured exclusively by well water. The responsible wells were fed from nearby springs. Finally, the authorities confirmed that carcinomas were occurring in neighbouring communities when the local wells were shut down and water pipes installed instead.
Scientists Schauberger and Hacheney have already recognized these connections and caused a sensation with their water vitalisation systems. The aim of the revitalisation processes is to restore the destroyed structure of the water molecules and to delete the pollutant information stored in the water. Clumped cluster structures are broken up and the inner surface of the water is increased.
"The goal of water treatment must be to make the water bioavailable for the body again."
Studies by the bioresonance researcher Paul Schmidt show that the frequency of the cell membrane is around 22.5 Hz and that of the intracellular area is 22 Hz. This is therefore the body's own metabolic frequency. It is astonishing that frequency studies by the Swiss institute Planet Diagnostic have shown that the basic frequency of 22 Hz and its harmonics of 44 and 66 Hz are always present in good spring waters. So if the supplied water oscillates in certain frequencies and has the corresponding cluster structure, which resonates with the water channels in our cell, it can easily reach the target "cell". This is the reason for the revitalising effect of good spring water.
Dr. Kohfink confirmed the optimal restructuring of the tap water after passing through our UMH vitalisation with his high-frequency measurements of the UMH devices. He compared the quality with the purest spring water from the Rocky Mountains.